Arduino - a low cost Data Aquisition and Automation alternative for researchers on October 17, 2018 AnalogReadSerial example Arduino Arduino Price Arduino UNO and NANO basic DAQ example Data Acquisition System How to program Arduino Microcontollers Simple DAQ What is Arduino? +
Writing your first paper on September 12, 2018 first article how to choose journal how to write my first paper for publication How to write research paper PhD research points to remember survey of literature technique writing scientific articles +
How to start your research? on September 11, 2018 importance of title of research PhD requirements of starting a research Research proposal role of review articles survey of literature synopsis writing +
How easy is it to become a scientist in India? on September 06, 2018 How to become a scientist institutions ISRO jobs My opportunity in India PhD PhD research research research in private institutions research job research scientist scientist story Struggle +